Original stone cottage at Thimble Farm

Original stone cottage at Thimble Farm
This had to be abandoned at time of great flood

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Hi, Delbert here.  I'm still trying to report about the sporting events in Thimblewyck.  But we don't have a very well organized sports program.  Maybe that will happen some time in the future.  Today I want to tell the story of the night tiny Lina had to do a bunch of dodging, all over the supper table, of a wooden spoon her Aunt Sara was using.  It was like this.  Sara had just arrived and hadn't really met Lina yet.  She had been busy getting herself and her family to Thimble Farm before the baby, Tamara, was born.  That all happened in the nick of time.  Then Sara asked if she could cook supper for the family.  She hadn't been able to cook in a real kitchen on their whole trip.  Gerda and Tom understood that it would help Sara feel settled in at her new home if she could cook for everybody, so they agreed.  Lina was used to finding a place to sit on either Gerda's shoulder or Tom's shoulder and talk to them.  When she ran down from where she was visiting to move to the other parent she ran onto the table, where everyone was sitting.  Sara saw her, but didn't know that Lina was tiny and assumed it was a mouse.  She started screaming and hitting at her with a wooden spoon.  A mouse on the supper table was a horrible thing to Sara. Lina was startled and did a pretty good job of running this way and that, dodging the big spoon.  Tom stood up, and taking a hit on his arm, rescued Lina before she could be hit by the big spoon.  Then he told Gerda to explain things to Sara and went outside with Lina, to make sure she was not hurt.  It was decided that Lina would come back inside, but sit with the swallow Adar, on the window sill, to eat supper.  That would have let Sara get over her embarrassment and let Lina feel safe.  The only problem was that the evil frog, Croadine, jumped up on the window from outside, and kidnapped Lina.  That started a long adventuresome Fall and Winter for everyone.  I will tell you more about that later.  Let me know if any of you have ever had to dodge a spoon.  Buzz at you later.  Delbert Bee.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Li Su Fairies versus The Petra Fairies

In regular sports teams gather and play against each other.  One team may throw more balls across a line or something.  Then that team is said to be the winner.  In the band of fairies that live in Thimblewyck there are parts of two different clans.  They are kind of different so they are sometimes against each other.  I wish they would have actual sporting events.  Then they might be better friends.  The different clans are the Li Su clan and the Petra clan.  Li Su stands for life sustaining.  That means they work to help things live.  It can be animals or plants.  That's why Binar was so good as the Prince of Flowers.  I used to ask him to enourage the flowers around the hive to be especially full of nectar.  He would help out us bees that way.  Petra is a name for rock.  The Petra fairies love rocks.  They are good at finding things like rubies and diamonds.  I think the Petras and the Li Su will eventually be able to get along.  It is better for everybody when they do.  Here's to teamwork and sportsmanship.  I'll buzz you later.  Delbert the Bee.

Monday, October 8, 2012


I am not always sure if the events I report would be scored as a sport or not.  The night Gerda threw a lot of cookies at a frightened cat was full of action.  Some of the cookies did hit the cat.  But we haven't had any contests since of "hit the cat with cookies" so I don't know if it would be called a real sport.  But it was interesting.  Tom and Gerda had come home from the crossroads where they had received the seed that was to get them a child.  They had planted it in a pot of good soil.  Tom was nervous at the wait so he went out to milk the cow.  A cat jumped in the open cottage window, trying to snatch Adar, the swallow.  Adar flew out of the way and the cat landed on the table where the pot was, knocking it to the floor, where it broke.  Gerda had already started throwing things at the cat to chase it away.  Most of what she could grab were cookies from a very big plate of cookies she had baked.  When Tom came back it was to a huge pile of cookie crumbs, a frightened cat streaking out the door, Gerda in a state and the pot in shambles on the floor.  He put his big farmer's hands around the soil and lifted it all gently into a wooden bucket he had.  It was not very long until a flower sprouted, bloomed and opened to show the teensy, tiny creature that was Lina.  So tiny that the fairies actually gave her a growth spurt so that it would be easier for Tom to hold her in his hand. Well, sport or not, it was an action filled night.  Lina has been a delight to us all ever since, so however things happened, we are glad they did.  I'm off now to visit more flowers.  Buzz at you later, Delbert the Bee.