Original stone cottage at Thimble Farm

Original stone cottage at Thimble Farm
This had to be abandoned at time of great flood

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I Was Told To Buzz Off!

I am not sure that Karl's dog, Heinz, is all that polite.  Possibly I wasn't that polite to him just now.  But I didn't like that he was digging in my favorite flowerbed.  Here's what happened.  I was busy gathering pollen, as near the cottage as I could so I could overhear anything for my gossip column, and Heinz, who is a couple of years old now, and his little brothers started digging in Gerd'a flowerbed.  I buzzed down and told them that wasn't a good idea.  I even offered to show them a better place to bury a bone.  The smallest one just looked up at me and barked out, 'Buzz off'.  I was insulted.  I got him back.  I went to find Karl and told him what was going on.  He came and stopped the destruction.  Gerda saw Karl save her flowers and gave him some cookies.  Gerda always has cookies.  Karl knew I had helped so he let me land on a cookie crumb that had some gooey syrupy sweet stuff.  I am so glad that the fairies enchanted Thimble Farm so everybody can talk to each other.  Buzz at you later.  Delbert signing off.