Original stone cottage at Thimble Farm

Original stone cottage at Thimble Farm
This had to be abandoned at time of great flood

Monday, August 20, 2012


I am so amazed at what I am learning about the move of Thimble Farm.  When I first found out about it I didn't realize all that was involved.  I, along with our whole hive, was just happy to find the farm, move our hive, and get on with loving our flowers.  Some of our hive just wanted to stay where we were, in that big oak.  In fact a second hive was set up there, in the oak.  But our main group wanted to be where Binar, the flower fairy, was most likely to spend the most time.  We knew that he liked Thimble Farm a lot. We did too.  So we moved.  But when I studied what had happened to get the farm moved I really saw that it had been a big deal.  If Marus, and his sisters Non Ton and Hilda, hadn't had the gift of being able to twist time all would have been lost.  Marus sensed the great wall of water was about to hit and he stopped time right then.  Then he, and his sisters, manipulated it in a variety of ways.  Speeding it up, stopping it, slowing it down, all kinds of ways.  A new location was found, a farm house was built, animals etc were moved.  It was all very complex.  Everyone and everything helped.  By the time Marus was ready to release the wall of water to do its worst, the farm, with a blue roof on the cottage, was a well established farm in another location.  I think some of the plants must have been transplanted but maybe Binar can influence growth cycles.  I will have to check it all out. This story isn't over yet.  Buzz you later.  Delbert.

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