Original stone cottage at Thimble Farm

Original stone cottage at Thimble Farm
This had to be abandoned at time of great flood

Friday, January 27, 2012

What Is Fairy Time?

Hi, It's Delbert here.  I've been busy in the hive.  Been telling a lot of stories about things I know to while away the winter.  In the stories about Thimblewyck some of the fairies, Marus especially, can twist time.  It's very useful.  He can put off things quite well that way.  He can also speed things up to bring wonderful things to one sooner.  Once his sister, Hilda, rescued some people by making time speed up for some goblins, so they worked themselves into exhaustion.  When they fell asleep their captives were able to simply walk away, out of the cavern.  I kind of go back in time when I remember things, and forward when I anticipate things.  But I can't actually twist time.  When I go back or forwards in time I usually have some emotion connected with all that.  Sometimes that's good.  Sometimes it's not so good.  Fairies seem to be able to fly above bad times.  I suppose you could call fairy time the ability to be light, airy and happy.  I can do that, I guess.  When I'm out among the flowers I feel that way.  Right now, remembering my Summer of flying from flower to flower makes me feel light, airy and happy.  So I guess I hooked into fairy time a little bit.  Happy times to you all.  Buzz at you later.  Delbert.

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