Original stone cottage at Thimble Farm

Original stone cottage at Thimble Farm
This had to be abandoned at time of great flood

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Can a Bee Become a Pet?

Bees are pretty much considered wild creatures.  A lot of the time a person will become nervous if a bee comes around them.  But I quite like Gerta, Lina's fostermother, and I find that I love the smell of the cookies she is always baking. I fly by her kitchen often when I am hunting for flowers.  I think I started to like her that day of the fire that killed Lina's parents, the day the fairies rescued Lina's soul.  Gerta was at the tree where our honey was stored and she was very careful to take only the extra, she muttered something about not wanting to destroy any of the young bees in the combs.  Later she had her husband, Tom Thimble,  build some hives that would let her take out the combs, spin them around to empty them and put them back to be refilled. I was nervous about the great smoke coming from Montrachet that day so that was all I focused on. But later I remembered how Gerta was so careful with us.  If a bee can be a pet I think I would like to be hers.  Now that all creatures can talk to each other at Thimble farm I suppose I should ask her about that. I wouldn't want to be a lap bee or anything.  I just like going to her kitchen. I've never talked to her.  But I think I will.  Maybe I should write about pets from time to time.  Buzz at you later.  Delbert Bee.

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